Servings: 4
Spinach Soup
- 2 onions finely sliced
- 1 leek cut in half and chopped
- 1 decent knob of butter
- 400g Spinach
- 2 heaped tablespoons of crème fraiche
- 1 kernel of nutmeg
- 1 pinch salt & pepper
- 1 glug olive oil
- 324g (1 pouch) Borough Broth Free-Range Organic Chicken Broth
- Melt the better in a heavy based saucepan with a tight fitting lid. As soon as it starts to foam add the leek and onion.
- Cook gently until sweet and tender with a hefty pinch of sea salt;this draws out the moisture and helps stop things browning. Once meltingly tender add the spinach with a generous splash (1/2 cup) of water and put a tight fitting lid on the pan.
- On a low heat braise the spinach for a few minutes turning every now and then, ensuring it cooks evenly. As soon as the leaves have slightly wilted and gone a darker shade of green add the cold chicken broth and take the pan off the heat. This stops the spinach cooking and ensures a vibrant colour.
- Blend the mixture to your desired consistency. If having just bread and butter, I like a coarser texture but not stringy. If having with an egg or fish, I often blend to an almost velvety texture.
- Add the crème fraiche and blitz again so it emulsifies (cream cheese or double cream also work, just go with what’s in the fridge). Then grate in roughly half a clove of nutmeg, season generously and blend again. Keep tasting and adding salt little by little until you’ve brought out the best flavour; soups need a surprising amount of seasoning.
- Serve hot, being careful not to discolour if re-heating. A scattering of herbs on top is always welcome. Chervil or a gremolata work particularly well.