The Bloody Bull
The Bloody Bull

The Bloody Bull

Servings: 2

Our twist on the traditional Bloody Mary. This mischievous drink packs a punch, combining the perfect Bloody Mary Mix from The Pickle House, our Organic Beef Broth and a cheeky splash of vodka.

Written by Ros Heathcote Founder, Borough Broth


Grass-Fed Organic Beef Bone Broth
Regular price £6.15
Regular price Sale price £6.15


  1. Start by pouring your beef broth into a pan and letting it simmer until it has reduced to about half.
  2. Meanwhile, chop the lemon into quarters and cover the rim of the glass with lemon juice.
  3. Gently roll the top of the glass into a small pile of the Merkén to give the rim of your glass a spicy kick. Think of it like the salt on a margarita.
  4. Pop a generous amount of ice into the glass.
  5. Once the broth has cooled, mix the vodka, Bloody Mary Mix and broth in a jug.
  6. Pour to serve.