Brunchin' Porridge | Recipes | Borough Broth

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Brunchin’ Porridge

Savoury porridge with miso, garlic, spinach, mushroom, kale, fried egg.

Written by
Jenny Sleath

Serves: 2
Cooking time: 15 minutes


1 cup gluten free oats

1/2 cup buckwheat

1 tbsp chia seeds

1 tbsp miso paste (we used 3 year aged Tideford Organic)

1 cup Borough Broth Co Free-Range Organic Chicken Broth

1 tsp garlic finely chopped

3/4 cup water (more depending on the consistency you like your porridge to be!)

1/2 cup coconut mylk (we used Rebel Kitchen Semi Skimmed Dairy free mylk which works really well!)

salt and pepper

small handful of mushrooms (mix such as shiitake, oyster, enoki) half for your main porridge and half for your topper.

2 x large handfuls of spinach (feel free to add any other green veg too – kale works really well)

extra virgin olive oil

splash of tamari

To serve:

1 organic free range egg (optional) – we love our 6 minute soft boiled – make sure they are British lion quality if pregnant!)

fresh thyme

1 tsp of coconut yogurt


  1. If topping with a soft boiled egg: fill and boil the kettle.
  2. In a medium pan add the oats, buckwheat, chia seeds, miso paste, broth, garlic, water, mylk, salt + pepper and place on a medium heat, stirring frequently. Set a timer for 4 minutes.
  3. When your timer pings, Pop your egg, shell on (if using) into a pan filled with your boiled water and set your timer for 6 minutes.
  4. While your porridge and egg is cooking, add a splash of olive oil to a medium frying pan and add half your mushrooms. Cook for a few minutes and pop in a little chopped fresh thyme and a splash of tamari. Cook on a low heat until the mushrooms are soft.
  5. For the last few minutes of your porridge cooking time add the remainder of your chopped mushrooms and the spinach, season again and continue to stir.
  6. When your timer pings, turn the heat off your porridge and mushrooms and pop your egg pan under your cold tap for a few minutes to cool your egg while you “plate” your porridge.
  7. Pour your porridge into your favourite bowls, top with your tamari mushrooms, a spoon of coconut yogurt, and a sprig of thyme. Remove the shell from your egg + slice in half. Add a half to each of your bowls. Serve.

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