Hot Brothclate | Recipes | Borough Broth

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Hot Brothclate

I was pretty unsure as to how this would turn out, but after a few attempts, I smashed it. This is really, really delicious. It's like a rich, creamy, sweet hot chocolate. Not meaty at all, but has a real umami depth of flavour. It's kind of addictive and unbelievably dairy-free, not to mention gluten-free with very little added sugar. I'm in love.

Written by
Ros Heathcote

Serves: 2
Cooking time: 15 minutes


* indicates optional ingredients

  • 1 pouch (324g) organic beef bone broth
  • 5 dark chocolate buttons / 5 – 6g dark chocolate (>70% cocoa solids)
  • 1/2 tbsp grade a maple syrup/honey
  • 4 tbsp organic coconut milk (use the thick stuff often comes in a tin if you can not the watery stuff)
  • *1 dried orange slice/pinch fresh orange zest
  • *1 stick of cinnamon/pinch of ground cinnamon
  • 1 pinch of freshly ground nutmeg




  1. Heat the bone broth in a small milk pan.
  2. Split the chocolate into two mugs.
  3. Add the orange and cinnamon stick to the broth and heat slowly until it briefly comes to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Add half of the coconut milk to the broth stirring until completely blended.
  5. Slowly pour the broth into each mug, ensuring the chocolate melts and blends with the broth, to do this well you must add the simmering broth very slowly mixing as you go.
  6. Once completely mixed with the chocolate, add a tablespoon of the coconut milk to each mug, then finish with a little ground nutmeg on top. Finally, drink and experience heaven... heaven, I tell you!

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